How’s your writer switch?
Hi! Hi! It's meeeeeee!
Yes, just your friendly Rockstar-Writer-Trainer turned Revolutionary, showing up in your inbox to say:
Remember how your Writer Self and your Reader Self tend not exist in the same place and time?
Remember how you need to turn your Writer Switch off so you can reconnect with your conversational voice?
Remember how your Writer Switch MAKES ALL THE THINGS HARD?
Consider yourself reminded
If that all makes perfect sense because you've hung out with me and I've told you all this and it was **GOOD** and I rocked your world, sweet! Consider yourself reminded. Now go write great things (like a reader, not a writer)!
If you read those bullet points and went "huh?" or "ummm... that sounds vaguely familiar buuuut..." then read on!
Here comes your refresher
Your Reader Self KNOWS what a good reading experience is. To write something successfully, it has to work for your readers, not for you.
Your Writer Self is very concerned with getting things right. It loves using flash words and long sentences and makes things way more complex than they need to be. Your Writer Self wants to sound PROFESSIONAL, but it's a wee bit of a self-saboteur. (Asshole.)
To turn off your writer switch, so you can explain what you know clearly, simply, like an articulate human: SPEAK. Ask yourself, "How would I say this out loud? Over the phone? In a meeting?
Try it. See what happens.
See if your writing gets faster. If it sounds more confident. If people start responding differently.
(And can we keep this between us? Cos if everyone figures out how simple this is, I'll be out of business!)
Want to know more? Watch my Tedx or check out my online school.
And rock on!