Plain Language - Winning All Around
Just a couple of super language-geeky writer-gurl updates...
Drumroll please ... 🥁 🥁 🥁
First, The Plain Language Act has been passed into law!
That's right, government agencies are now REQUIRED BY LAW to communicate to the public using plain language (see? I've been telling you for years that this wasn't just some weird shit that Shelly made up!).
It's taken over 12 years since the bill was first brought up, but it's now been passed into law. Hallelujah, and f*uck off National MP Simeon Brown who wants to repeal it. I mean, umm, what? So you DON'T want to be accountable to communicate clearly with the public? OK then...
You can read more about the bill and its passing here, and if you want to remind someone about the value of plain language, just gently share my blog post here.
And second, Plain language awards, woop woop!
I'm ridiculously proud to announce that a couple of my clients have taken out prizes in this year's awards. HUGE congratulations to WorkSafe and The Energy Collective!
The Energy Collective (you might know them as the home of Electric Kiwi) took out the award for Best Plain Language Turn Around in recognition of their amazing Health & Safety Guide. I know, you think H&S can't be sexy, but these good humans have proved that wrong! Huge congrats to Sonya, Emma, and the team! Whakanuia!
WorkSafe has been on a nearly 3 year journey to get what I consider to be some of the best plain language documents around, across the line. And apparently the judges agreed, too, because Anita and her amazing team took out the Award for Best Plain Language Document - Public Sector. I'M SO STUPID HAPPEEEEEE!!!!
You can see their winning policy here.
So, if you're fighting the good plain language fight at your place, just know: You're in good company. Together, we're changing the face of communication in Aotearoa!
So, you want in?
If you're thinking maybe it's time for you or your organisation to become plain language superstars and join the revolution, check out my availability for next year, get trained, and take your writing skills to the next level.
Until then, I love you, write good, don't get sunburnt, and DO take up space.